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The visitor of Diggaj Realty LLP using this portal means that users have gone through and agreed to abide by following disclaimer, terms, and conditions.

No warranty

To note that the information /statement provided on Diggaj Realty LLP website is reasonably based on expected information. However, Diggaj Realty LLP does not guarantee its accuracy, correctness, completeness or suitability whatsoever for any purpose. As such the database provided is without any warranty, express or implied, as to their legal effect.

No liability to Diggaj Realty LLP

Though, Diggaj Realty LLP has taken proper care/precautions to make the database reliable, Diggaj Realty LLP will not be held responsible for any liability that may arise out of any error in the database. Use of any information/statements on Diggaj Realty LLP web site shall be at your own risk. All information/statements should be used in accordance with applicable laws. Diggaj Realty LLP does not undertake any kind of liability whatsoever for the same. Diggaj Realty LLP disclaims all responsibility for any loss, injury, liability or damage of any kind resulting from and arising out of your use of the site.

No liability to Diggaj Realty LLP

Diggaj Realty LLP makes no representations about the timeliness of the services contained on the Diggaj Realty LLP customer information portal for any purpose. Diggaj Realty LLP makes no representations about the suitability, reliability, availability, of the services contained on the Diggaj Realty LLP customer information portal for any purpose. Diggaj Realty LLP shall not be responsible if any information/ statement / certificate / page is printed/downloaded from Diggaj Realty LLP customer information portal and after printing/downloading complete/partial text/information is altered / removed / obscured contained therein. Diggaj Realty LLP, at no event, be liable/ responsible for any direct, indirect, disciplinary, incidental, special, consequential damages or any damages whatsoever including, without limitation, damages for loss of use, data or profits, arising out of or in any way connected with the use of the Diggaj Realty LLP customer